Sensor Pallet

This Sensata sponsored design project focused on the optimization of a pallet to hold and orient nine MSG sensors for electrical lead attachment. Upon completion of design and fabrication, the pallets were tested with a 225lbf directed at the center.

Specifications included maximum dimensions, maximum deflection, and consistently oriented sensors.

Evaluation was based on accuracy of predicted deflection, and machining/material cost.

Using FEA the estimated deflection was <10% different than the actual deflection during testing. This project covered design basics using SolidWorks to develop prototypes and Ansys to perform analysis. The project also included multiple classroom presentations, reports, and collaborative group work.

Shown on the left is the final design for my teams pallet and orientation insert.

Final pallet design.

Final insert design, later 3D printed.

An exaggerated FEA for predicted deflection under 225lbf.